Dojo Naga Rimba Tempa Fisik dengan Cara Latihan Pertahanan KUDA-KUDA


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Jumat, (28/10/2022) 

Beginilah suasana latihan anak-anak Karate Gokasi Babel Dojo Naga Rimba, mereka para anak-anak sangatlah semangat sekali untuk latihan. 

Terlebih saat ada latihan penempaan fisik dengan melakukan latihan Penguatan Kaki, InsyaAllah kedepan kaki meraka akan semakin Kuat dan kokoh menjadi Pertahanan KUDA-KUDA. 

Capek dan letih wajar, namun tak pernah tersirat wajah lesu dari mereka saat sangat Pelatih mengajarkan teknik KUDA-KUDA yang baik. 

Di Dojo Naga Rimba anak-anak di latih dengan pola latihan Outbound, sehingga anak-anak tidak pernah merasa bisa dan lesu. 

Seperti yang di sampaikan Senpai Arpan Pradana, "Kita Keras dan Disiplin, kalau sedang latihan harus serius tak boleh main-main apalagi sampai tertawa dan beranda saat latihan tidak di perbolehkan, namun setelah usai latihan mereka kita ajak kedalam suasana keakraban seperti keluarga sendiri" Jelas Arpan. 

"kalau sudah istirahat, mereka boleh ngapain saja, misalnya mau jajan, mau main karet, main TikTokan dan lain - lain silahkan, namun saat latihan kita harus serius " Tambah Arpan. 

Hal senada juga di sampaikan oleh Senpai Deky Marcose selaku Pendiri dan Pelopor Dojo Naga membenarkan bahwa " Dari awal masuk sampai akhir pulang mereka harus disiplin, harus saling menghormati Teman, Dojo dan Pelatih, saat latihan tak boleh main-main, namun saat sedang istirahat kami bebaskan, ungkap Deky. 

"Inilah pola latihan yang kami terapkan sejak era tahun 2000 saya membuka Dojo Naga, dan sampai saat ini pola Outbound dan Rekreasi ini terus kami jalankan di Dojo kami, agar anak-anak tak jenuh yang akhirnya mereka enggan untuk latihan lagi, tambah Deky. 

Semoga anak-anak Karate Gokasi kita ini, kedepan dapat menjadi penerus bangsa yang berbudi pekerti yang baik, serta mampu menjadi atlit yang berprestasi nantinya. 

Dari Desa Kace,  Mendoakan Barat Kabupaten Bangka

Gokasi Babel News Melaporkan


This is the atmosphere of the Karate Gokasi Babel Dojo Naga Rimba children's training, they are very enthusiastic about practicing. Especially when there is physical forging exercise by doing Leg Strengthening exercises, God willing, in the future their legs will be stronger and stronger as the HORSE Defense. Tired and tired is natural, but there is never a languid look on their face when the Coach teaches good HORSE techniques. At Dojo Naga Rimba, children are trained with outbound training patterns, so that children never feel tired and lethargic. As stated by Senpai Arpan Pradana, "We are strict and disciplined, if we are practicing we have to be serious, we can't play games, let alone laugh and the veranda during practice is not allowed, but after the training we invite them into an atmosphere of intimacy like our own family" Clearly Arpan. "When they have a break, they can do whatever they want, for example, want to eat snacks, want to play rubber, play TikTokan and others please, but during practice we have to be serious," added Arpan. The same thing was also conveyed by Senpai Deky Marcose as the Founder and Pioneer of the Dragon Dojo who confirmed that "From the beginning of entering until the end they went home they had to be disciplined, they had to respect each other. free it, said Deky. "This is the training pattern that we have implemented since the era of 2000 when I opened the Dragon Dojo, and until now we continue to run this Outbound and Recreation pattern in our Dojo, so that the children do not get bored, which in the end they are reluctant to practice again," added Deky. We hope that our Gokasi Karate children will become the future successors of a nation with good character, and will be able to become outstanding athletes in the future. From Kace Village, Praying for West Bangka Regency

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